Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Age is a relative concept (or...why I won't be having a midlife crisis)

Age is a relative concept. It really is. I kid around about being old (I'll be 40 on November 29th), but it's all in your approach to the word. Compared to someone in their 80's? I'm young. Compared to someone in their 20's? I'm old.  Now, that being said, you may not think of me as old at my age. It depends on your mindset. Mine is different. I am the age that I am. I am neither old, nor young. The day I turned 27, I started telling people I was "almost 30". On my 30th birthday, I woke up, looked at the clock/calendar and said "Yup. I'm 30. Time to go to work." It was just another day.

Since turning 37, I have done the same in regards to turning 40. It's just another day. Another revolution around the sun. That's all. You can bet your teeth, tits and toes, I won't be that middle-aged man who is balding and buys a Corvette so I can drive around with the top down, feeling the wind across my scalp (not that I'm balding, or intend to go bald...lol).

At this point (if not sooner), you may have asked yourself "What the fuck is his point? Why is he telling me this?" Truth be told, an epiphany came across me...so to speak. I recently posted on my personal Facebook page a "Thank You" to all of my true friends. The ones who have not been judgemental to me because I don't agree with everything they do/say. Unfortunately, yes there are people like that everywhere. Even in the great state of Texas.
The ones who do not fall into the group of true friends are merely acquaintances. Ships that passed in the night. We hung out, had some good times, a few good parties, etc. But, I'm getting older. So are they, but I've accepted it. They haven't. Learn to recognize the difference while you're still young. It makes a world of difference. They are the ones that want life to be all about partying. They are the ones who think that if they party 6 nights a week, they'll never grow old.

hits buzzer


I know. I seem to have trailed off into a blathering drivel. Stay with me. Here is where it all comes together. Over the course of the year, I have seen posts both here and on Facebook by people saying "Oh my god! I'm turning 25! I'm so old!" To these people, I say GET A GRIP NOW. If you can't handle 25, you'll never be able to handle 40. If you don't, you'll be that middle-aged man who is balding and buys a Corvette so you can drive around with the top down, feeling the wind across your scalp. Or that middle-aged, menopausal woman who feels like she can stay young as long as she stays in a whiskey bottle somewhere.

Don't do that to yourself. You'll only make yourself old, faster.

Learn from life. Accept what it has to offer. Learn something new every day.

Be young, just don't be immature.

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