Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Green-Eyed Monster (or...why I'm such an idiot)

Jealousy is a double-edged sword.  It can be a sweet, endearing, even attractive quality.  In small doses.  In larger doses?  It can be damaging.

I have a very jealous side.  I try to keep it under my thumb as much as possible.  I let it out occasionally.  In small doses.  When it occasionally slips out in a larger amount?  I become a full-blown, boneheaded jackass.  I upset people that I care about.  Which in turn, upsets me.  I tend to internalize everything, anyway.  I've spent the better part of 20 years keeping everything tightly bottled.  I've cried in front of one person in 20 years.

I can be an ass to people I love when my jealousy flares.  An ass without any right to be one.  So when I tell you to keep your jealousy under your thumb and only let it out in small doses, believe me it's for the best.  It's a double-edged sword.  It'll hurt the one you love, and yourself.

I'm sorry.  You know who you are.

1 comment:

  1. Stop bottling things up. Let go. You're hurting no one but yourself the most. Advice form a well meaning friend here.
