Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fear and Loathing in...Las Vegas? No. In reality.

Worry is a powerful demon, as is fear.  Individually, they are conquerable.  Combined, they are an unstoppable force.  No, not unstoppable, but an extremely formidable foe.  If they are individually vanquishable, why are they so difficult to defeat as a team?

If you resolutely know you have no viable grounds to worry, worry withers and dies like a flower without water.  If you know that, as Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, there is nothing to fear but fear itself, fear fades into the hellacious abyss from whence it came.  But when combined, they find that one corner of the heart where a modicum of doubt lives and feed it.  That modicum of doubt then grows until it becomes a black hole, consuming the heart, mind and soul.

If left unchecked, it will eventually destroy everything and everyone in it's path.  There must be a force that can vanquish fear and worry.  Doubt is their food.  Kill doubt, fear and worry will die as well.  But the mind never doubts from without, only from within.  All doubt is internally and infernally founded.  We are our own worst critic.

Any person who claims to like everything about themselves is either vapid and conceited, or a liar.  Doubt translates into self-loathing, which becomes a preoccupying mind-frame.  In our quest to achieve what we feel is our own physical state of perfection, we feed doubt.  As doubt grows, fear and worry become increasingly more powerful.

Love is the blanket that smothers the all-consuming fire of doubt.  If we could rest contentedly within the arms of love, doubt would die.  In turn, that would kill fear and worry.  If we could but retain the concept that love is the most powerful force in the universe, life would be perfect.  But no one can handle the full force of love, just as no one can live in perfection.  It is more than the human soul can take.

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