Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Dumb and Dumber...and Dumberer...and Dumberest...

Picture it...Sicily, 1942...

Oh, wait.  Wrong story.

People say money is king; I say bullshit.  People say knowledge is king; I half agree.  The truest statement would be that WISDOM is king.  Wisdom and intelligence are NOT the same, people!  And neither precludes common sense!

Knowing that the Jewish Holocaust DID happen
Knowing that the dinosaurs were NOT mythological
Knowing what the Pythagorean Theorem  is

Common sense:
Knowing that just because you pay something does NOT mean you have the right to treat people like shit
Knowing that your child is more important that a fucking video game
Knowing that propositioning a MINOR for sex is ILLEGAL

What you do with your common sense and intelligence

Yes, those examples seem oddly specific for a reason; the reason, however, is irrelevant.  What is relevant is if you are an "adult", then you need to ACT it.  Not just say it.  Wisdom, motherfucker!  Wisdom is knowing that words without action makes you a fool.  Without actions to back up your words, you are NOTHING.  You are just a pedantic, petulant piss ant.

So you didn't beat level 4,277,112,387 of Bimbo Beach Babes and the Battle of Bora Bora; GROW UP.
So you didn't get to take your little nappy at 1432 exactly; GROW UP.

Wisdom is knowing that you are a GROWN ASS ADULT AND CANNOT HAVE YOUR FUCKING OREO COOKIE BEFORE DINNER, YOU OVERSTUFFED MANBABY..  Wisdom is knowing that just because you have a dick does NOT mean you GET TO BE ONE, YOU INFESTED BLACK HOLE OF CUNT.  Wisdom is knowing that just because you have the ability to fuck someone DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO FUCK EVERY WOMAN YOU SEE, YOU IDIOTIC FUCKING BABY HUEY WANNABE BITCHTARD.

Step one to gaining wisdom; IF YOU ARE A GROWN ASS ADULT, FUCKING ACT IT.  Just because your mommy, grandmommy, or your granddaddy have wiped your ass and sucked your dick for you your entire life DOES NOT MEAN I WILL.  If you want to have your life catered to you, then go to the people that cater you; go live with mommy, grandmommy, or granddaddy.  Otherwise, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF TO THEM; YOU CAN DO IT TO EVERYONE ELSE, WHY NOT THEM?  AFRAID YOU WON'T GET YOUR LITTLE BENT DICK SUCKED ANYMORE?  Fucking idiots.

Step 2 to gaining wisdom: ACCEPT THE FACT THAT THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU.  Yes, you may be big enough have your own gravitational field, but you are NOT A GOD.

The long and the short of it all...want to be wise?  GROW THE FUCK UP FIRST, YOU BEHEMOTH BOX OF BUTT PLUGS.

*drops microphone, lights a cigarette*

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